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Showing posts from January, 2011

Non-Pharmacological strategies in hypertension treatment.

Hypertension treatment is a lifelong commitment regardless of the recommended treatment modality. Thus, compliance to treatment is critically important in achieving the expected clinical benefits of treatment. Hypertensive patients should be appropriately educated about the natural history & complications of hypertension. Non Pharmacological measures are also called as LIFE STYLE CHANGES aimed at bringing the blood pressure levels to optimal levels. Therapeutic life style changes - so called to emphasize the proven benefits - are : 1) weight loss 2) reduced intake of fats 3) reduction in intake of Salt 4) reduced dietary calorie intake 5) regular exercise 6) consumption of adequate amounts of calcium & potassium 7) adequate consumption of fibres in diet 8) smoking cessation Sent from my HTC HD2

Calcium Supplement & Heart Disease

A very informative article on relationship between Calcium Supplements and heart disease. I am reproducing the whole article for all to read. Could too much calcium cause heart disease? POSTED AUGUST 12, 2010, 10:53 AM P.J. Skerrett , Editor, Harvard Heart Letter Don’t throw out those calcium supplements just yet. Oh, the ruckus a single study can raise. A report about calcium and cardiovascular disease had people from San Diego to Caribou, Maine worriedly calling their doctors or throwing away the calcium supplements they were taking to keep their bones strong. Here’s what prompted the concern: New Zealand researchers pooled the results of 11 randomized, controlled trials—the so-called gold standard of medical research—comparing the effects of calcium supplements and placebo on preventing osteoporosis or colon cancer. All the trials also had information on the volunteers’ cardiovascular health. As reported online in the BMJ , more of the volunteers taking calcium had heart attacks, s