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Showing posts from February, 2011

Exercise & Physical Activity in Old Age

Staying active in old age helps in more ways than one. It - 1. Keeps and improves your strength so you can stay independent; 2. Have more energy to do the things you want to do; 3. Improve your balance; 4. Prevent or delay some diseases like heart disease, diabetes, breast and colon cancer and osteoporosis; 5. Perk up your mood and reduce depression. Being active does not require any special clothes or joining a gymnasium. Physical activities should be a part of your everyday life. Do any activity that you like. Go for - brisk walk, ride a bike, dance, swim, yoga, power yoga, tai-chi, gardening, etc. Try various activities that keep you moving and interested. Look for new ways to build physical activity into your daily routine. To get all the benefits of physical activity, one should try all the four types of exercises viz. Endurance, Strength, Balance & Flexibility. 1) Endurance exercises build up energy and stamina. You should try to build up to at least 30 minutes of activity th

Risk Factors For heart Diseases

The major risk factors for Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) are : 1] Family history of premature CAD (family members who first developed clinical CAD at age younger than 45 - 55 yrs for male & 55 - 60 for females. 2] hypercholesterolemia, (high cholesterol) 3] hypertension, (high blood pressure) 4] cigarette smoking, 5] diabetes mellitus, 6] tobacco chewing in any form, 7] stressful life style & 8] lack of physical activity Sent from my HTC HD2 Dr. Atulya Saurabh; Geriatrician; Geriatric Care Centre, Vardan Hospital, Bhopal-08.

Low Bone Mineral Density among Women in India

Osteoporosis affects every third woman and every eight man over the age of 50. In research conducted over about 129 women of middle and old age (35 - 70), it was found that 51.7% women suffered from osteopenia & 30.8% suffered from osteoporosis. Only 17.5% women were with normal BMD. It was also found that none of the women above 55 years had normal BMD. Among women above 55 yrs of age, 60% suffered from osteoporosis. Sent from my HTC HD2